Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Another Action

Cloning is another way to conserve vertebrates animals. Actually cloning isn't just for vertebrates but it can be used for other animals classification. Cloning work by taking samples of a vertebrate's DNA. Next the DNA is modified by adding some codes and combining all chain of the DNA. So then the DNA is keep on an object so the gene and DNA can grow on that object and ready to be injected into the animal. The one that is injected from the growth of the DNA is an vertebrates animal that is alive. The vertebrate that have been injected will be pregnant so that another vertebrates will be alive. So then scientist do cloning to the new born vertebrate and so on and on. 

This is how cloning in a procedural process

Selasa, 26 April 2011

A Little Information about Vertebrates Species...

Vertebrates is huge family breakdown differentiate with the other animal kingdom which is invertebrates. for more information please see below.
  • Mammals: it have a unique characteristics. For example, they have fur and hair and they have metabolism that have a job to control body temperature and sweat glands that help to cool up their body. Next characteristics is they give birth and dully formed a babies. They also fed their baby. 
  • Amphibians: they lay their eggs in the water and young amphibians mostly form like a small fishes.
  • Reptiles: Have been here for 300 million years ago. Amphibians still breath with their lungs and absorb O2 but they can live in the water also. 
  • Birds: Have a wide range of species. 3 characteristics that is visible are: wings, feather and beak rather than teeth. Almost all birds can fly.
  • Marsupials : one of the mammals family. But they are very different because when they give birth, the baby isn't perfect yet so they kept the young in it abdominal pouch until it really grow. 
  • Rodents: the largest family of mammals. These animal is called rodents because it can be seen from the way they eat. They are called "Binatang Pengerat" in Indonesia.   

Reptiles: Here are the examples of reptiles which is snake. this kind of species live about 3000 years ago.

Here are some mammals: there are elephants, giraffes, rhinos and hippopotamus.

Here are amphibians. Amphibians can live in water and and. They reproduct in water.

Here are rodents: Rodents are a like mice, rat, etc.

Marsupials is a animal which have pocket to keep its baby save.

Birds is an animal which is flying, have a peak and 2 wings.

This is fish. Fish is living at water environments. 

Senin, 25 April 2011

Where do Vertebrates species usually live?

You know what? Vertebrates lives in any kinds of environments.But for some species, like amphibians; they live in land mainly, but they need to reproduce in the water. But for reptiles, they live in any kinds of environments. Next, birds. Birds lay eggs at the tree generally at the forest but in open area to find foods. Then, the last one is mammals. Mammals live in so many kinds of environments like: forest, sea, and many other environments.

So basically they live in in any kind of environments but depend on their specific species.  

Minggu, 24 April 2011

Conservation.... One of the Key!!!

As scientist is now stabilizing the vertebrae extinction, one of the solution is conservation (Pelestarian).  Conservation actually can be done by political touch, scientist touch or even society. The politic play role in the economic controlling, for example like: budget, sponsor and many more. But the most important is the touch of scientist.

Before scientist do some conservation, they need to do some research of vertebrae life, style, characteristics and many more. Then, scientist try to make up an replica of environment where usually the species live.In other point, scientist can  From this conservation, scientist not just conserving but study more and develop more studies about vertebrates so the condition of conservation place is just like the real environment. Then after the animal big enough, for some species it will be send out to the real environment.
Besides the Conservation, there will be also the veterinarian that can always make sure that the animal goes well.

So basically conservation is a good idea because it reducing the vertebrates extinction.Besides that, conservation can make the animal live longer because there is no predator that are preying them.

Some benefits of this solution are: it can make the vertebrates animal live in longer range of time because there are no predator that is preying them, also the animal can't die becasue of deforestation and many more because of scientist control them everyday as also science play role in that thing.

Some Limitation: the limitation are maybe the animal is easily stressed out because when it's time for the animal to be put in the real environment, they maybe can't adapt the situation very well with the food chain and anything.


These informations are taken from:
-Unknown, Animal Extinction, 2007, Available at:, 4/24/2011
-Newitz Annalee, Will 50 Percent of vertebrates go extinct over the next century?, 27 October 2010, Available at!5674278/will-50-percent-of-vertebrates-go-extinct-over-the-next-century, 4/24/2011
-Unknown, Sejumlah Vertebrata Dunia Diambang Kepunahan, October 29 2010, Available at:, 4/24/2011
-Vibeka Sisodiya, Conserving our world's vertebrates, Nov 7 2010, Available at:, 4/24/2011

Solutions to Prevent their Extinction :)

this is the process how they do injection for vitamins to zebrafish

Some scientist around the world already start to make some action by creating chemicals that includes nutrition and vitamins and they would put those chemicals inside the animals food when they feed them so that when they eat it the chemicals would start to give them nutritions and vitamins to their body so that they can live a longer and healthier life. Scientist also recommend the zoo keepers to feed animals more with vegetables rather than meat because vegetables can clean their stomach. The chemicals are still in progress but some scientist already start to test it to the Zebrafish and the chemical is near to perfect so... maybe by next year the chemical would be used to the ones that are very critical in number.

Limitations of the solution: The solution still needs to be tested in some animals so when they test and it is a failure they have to keep on making and keeping on testing making the animals die faster which bad because the animals can die because of the testing. So the scientist should test the chemicals lesser so that less animals will die and that those animals won't get extinct.
Benefits of the solution: Chemicals are very useful because it is something like a drink but with more minerals and vitamins so when the chemical is already successful more animals will be more healthy and they will have a longer life. 

This is taken from Toxicol. Sci, Zebrafish as a Model Vertebrate for Investigating Chemical Toxicity, February 9 2005, Available at:, 4/24/2011


So... Vertebrates is a dominant  kinds of animals live in a environments. But the new fact that is conduct by 3000 SCIENTIST around the WORLD is that 1 over fifth of vertebrates species is now facing to extinction..Another study, it says that 43 percents of amphibians are closer to extinction, also birds which is 13 percents facing to extinction.The top 3 place where it cause extinction is first: south Asia, followed by central and south America and Australia.  That is crazy right?. This extinction is maybe cause by: deforestation, illegal animal trading, animal abuse, environment loss, pollution and many more. So From this fact, there will be solutions towards this problem.